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Study Abroad - Immersing Yourself In a Language - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: Immersing Yourself In a Language

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# Message Posted By
Immersing Yourself In a Language
Hi, my name is Travis, and I'm from the United States.

Now, I would have to say... The best way to learn a language is by immersing yourself in it. What I mean is going to a place where lots of people speak that language and learn from there/them.

Now, I'll explain. At my school, there are a group of Deaf friends. A lot of Deaf people, in fact. I had started hanging out with them around early September, and started learning American Sign Language (ASL). I started learning what I could out of websites, books, and started practicing using them conversations with them. (I would at least learn 30 words a day and memorize them.) And only two months later, I was able to communicate with them easily. See? If you put your mind to it, you can learn a language really quickly.

But remember...experience is best, so try using the language as often as you can! (Or else you'll forget it!)

Language pair: English; - Other -
December 27, 2006


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