Hangman Games by Member : Alex D.

Short Description of Alex D.
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Country: France
Description: Hi ! My name is Alex, I'm 23 years old and come from the south of France. I'm here to meet people, help them in french while improving my english and I'll appreciate learn the Finnish language. I think that would be funny ! See you soon =] Salut ! Je m'appelle Alex, j'ai 23 ans et je viens du sud de la France. Je suis ici pour rencontrer des gens, les aider en français tout en améliorant mon anglais et j'apprécierai apprendre le langage finnois. Je pense que ça serait amusant ! A très vite =]

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Mer du sud de la France
M _ _   Mé _ _ _ _rr _ _  
French Famous Names or Titles Education / School April 4, 2017
2 votes

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