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When you don't care you say
Man vienalga!
1. same salary :)
1. Mani tas neuztrauc.
2. Kāda starpība?
I don't remember the history behind this expression, but you get 'vienalga' when put together 2 Latvian words - 'viena' (meaning ONE) and 'alga' (SALARY). So you kinda say it's the same salary, same money you get for something, so why worry?

Latvian > Popular Expressions > - Other -

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Average Rating 3.5
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# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

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Reviewer Comments
Ingrida L.
Rating: 2 October 23, 2010
Instead of "Man vienalga!", in Lithuanian we say "man nesvarbu"
Rating: 5 August 17, 2005
Hallo Nora! Könntest du bitte noch mehr von diesen Wortspielen für mich einstellen?! Vielen Dank! René
Instead of "Man vienalga!", in German we say "Ist mir egal"

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