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Job Center - Add Your Resume

Post your resume. It is completely free!

Post Your Resume Now

To list your resume, just complete the following form and press the Preview button.
You will be able to preview and edit your resume before submitting it.
After an approval period of usually 24 hours, your resume will be listed.

Fill this form and press the SUBMIT button
Fields in bold are required.
Summarize the skills that you offer in 12 - 20 words.
For example, do not write "My Resume" or "Job Seeker".
180 characters maximum
Your Name
Your Email Address
This will be shared only with employers having an active job opening registered in the Job Center.
Create Password (4 to 12 characters):
Re-enter password:
Resume Details
Do not write your email address or any form of contact information.
Do not write or refer to other website addresses where you can be contacted.
Potential employers will be able to access your email address on a separate page.

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