So lernst du Chinesisch, Mandarin über einen Online Sprachaustausch : E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

So lernst du Chinesisch, Mandarin über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

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So lernst du Chinesisch, Mandarin über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
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Welche Art von Sprachaustausch?

Solltest du besser über E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat üben? Das hängt von deinem Chinesisch, Mandarin und von deinen Lernzielen ab.

(Pen Pals)
Dies ist eine praktische Art und Weise, einen Sprachaustausch zu gestalten. Er ist für Lernende aller Kenntnisstufen geeignet. Du kannst dir Zeit nehmen, um Wörterbücher und andere Ressourcen zu benutzen, um so dein Schreiben oder deine Grammatik zu verbessern. Hier erhältst du Tips, wie du einen Sprachaustausch mit deinen Brieffreunden gestalten kannst.
Text Chat: Der Text Chat ist geeignet für mäßig bis weiter fortgeschrittene Lernende. Hier kannst du sehen, wer gerade im Text Chat ist.
Voice Chat: Diese Art wird fortgeschrittenen bzw. weit fortgeschrittenen Schülern empfohlen, die ihr Sprechen, ihre Aussprache und ihr Hörverständnis verbessern wollen. Mit dem simultanen Text Chat, der in den Voice Chat Räumen angeboten wird, kann man Vokabeln einfacher erklären. Hier erhältst du Zugang zum kostenlosen Voice Chat Programm in exzellenter Tonqualität.

Nuestros miembros hablantes de Chinesisch, Mandarin más nuevos

Aquí están 20 de nuestros miembros hablantes de Chinesisch, Mandarin más recientes. Ellos podrían ser sus compañeros.
Para ver todos los hablantes nativos de Chinesisch, Mandarin registrados, por favor haga clic aquí
Haga clic sobre un nombre para obtener más información o para contactarse con el miembro.
Nombre País
que practica

person YC
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Chinese, Taiwanese (Hokkien, Minnanhua)
Hi, this is YC from Taiwan. Chinese is my native language. I have also studied in Japan and have a foundation in Japanese with JLPT N1 proficiency. Both Japanese and English are languages I can converse in. [ I am not gold membership. Feel free to..... translate

person Chung Ee
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
- Other -
안녕하세요! 싱가포르에서 온 임준의입니다. 한국어/영어/중국어로 이야기해도 됩니다. 카톡 chungee86 로 연락주세요. 모두 건강하세요! I'm not a gold member. I am currently learning the Korean language. Hope to learn languages with you. 可以跟我用华/英 /韩文沟通。 translate

person Zoe
June 13, 2024
(Taipei, Tainan)
Chinese, Taiwanese (Hokkien, Minnanhua)
Chinese, Mandarin
I majored philosophy and l teach travel literature and movies now.l am a scholar.l have to publish my essay in international conference every year.l have to read English papers. l would like to practice English conversation with English native speake..... translate

person Kitt
June 13, 2024
Hong Kong
(Hong Kong)
Chinese, Cantonese
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi, I am Kit from Hong Kong. I have been learning Japanese for few years, but I want to improve my oral skills. We can practice Cantonese, Mandrain or English. Let's become friends. Sorry I am not a gold member. Please send me email if you wa..... translate

person Jane
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
HI, my name is Jane. I work in a hospital as a nurse in Tainan. I enjoy reading, play guitar, walking, cooking and meeting people from all over the world. I like to learn new languages and I believe its a good way to learn a new culture as well. I&#x..... translate

person Iris
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Chinese, Cantonese
Chinese, other
Chinese, Taiwanese (Hokkien, Minnanhua)
Hi everyone. I am Iris who is living in HongKong. I am preparing IELTS and considering to apply a master program in psychology. I love reading and traveling.I have been to Europe,Africa,Am erican,Australia, New Zealand …I have a dream to travel around ..... translate

person Kelly
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
I am a Taiwanese who has been living in China for over 2 decades; basically living and working in Shanghai. Recently taking a break from the work and thinking to make some new friends by having a small talk time together. However, it would be awkard ..... translate

person Wang
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi there! I'm excited to connect with language enthusiasts and business professionals. As a dedicated learner, I’m passionate about improving my Japanese and helping others with their English. Professionally, I work in the tech industry and am a..... translate

person Anton
June 13, 2024
Hong Kong
(Hong Kong)
Chinese, Mandarin
Chinese, Mandarin
Hey all, I'm anton and I can speak english and chinese. I'm generally looking for someone to help me learn Japanese and practice my chinese. I like hiking, keeping aquariums, playing video games and reading. 大家好, 我是萧晉峰。我能讲英文和国语,正在 学日文。下年为了..... translate

person eva
June 13, 2024
United States
Chinese, Mandarin
Chinese, Cantonese
I like different languages and cultures. I'm also learning tennis and yoga. Hope we can help each other ! translate

person Jee
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hello, I'm Jee from China, a native Chinese speaker. I'm a student in Israel now. So I want to find partners to practice with my English and Hebrew, and also get to know the local culture, customs, eating etc. In return, I can help you with..... translate

person Tutu
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi there, I'm TUTU from Hangzhou, China, and I'm eager to find a native English speaker to practice and improve my English skills. I'm passionate about learning languages and believe that language exchange is a fantastic way to enhance..... translate

person Junjie
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi, I'm junjie. I'm a multilingual. I'm keen to practice different languages with different people. I would like to get to know you. translate

person Yezi
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
I'm Yezi, from China. I want to learn English and Korean and make friends here. I like traveling. You can leave your contact information translate

person Zhang
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hello, I come from China, I want to learn English, especially my Spoken English. I finished my Ph.D. in Beijing, working in Nanjing at a university now. I love football, basketball, climbing, photos and so on. I want to learn English well, if I do t..... translate

person Summer
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi there, I'm Summer. I love Metallica, I love Buddhism, I love to write, I love to travel, and I love this world, I love you, all of you. But since I'm a lefty which let me have different views on many things from people in general, someti..... translate

June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
我来自中国广东,一个美食很多,经济 发达的地区。我很喜欢看动漫,看的日 漫比较多,很喜欢二次元世界里的美好 ,人与人之间的羁绊。也喜欢看书,很 多类型的书都看过一点。也喜欢刷短视 频。也很喜欢旅游,但由于现实的种种 原因其实去过的地方并不多,希望以后 经济独立的时候可以全球旅行,喜欢自 由。我觉得语言很有意思,想通过学习 语言了解中国之外的更多东西。我希望 可以交到一个志趣相投,年龄相仿的笔 友,互相了解世界的另一面。想到有一 个可能来自全球任何一个地方的朋友, 会让我很兴奋,感觉这是一件很酷的事 。 我不是黄金会员。 translate

person zijin
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
hello! i am hezijin from china. i am 14 years old.i am learning english and spainsh. i like playing badminton. i like to play computer games. can we be penpal?i can help with ur chinese translate

person murasaki
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hello! I’m Singaporean & interested in learning different cultures through languages. I love travelling and would like to brush up on my Japanese/French conversational skills. こんにちは !日本に興味を 持つシンガポール人です。楽しく日 本語を勉強したい ので、もし英語・日本語のランゲー ジ交換に興味があ る方がい..... translate

person Kevin
June 13, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi, I am Kevin. I am now in Canada and I just came here from China. I would like to find a native speaker parterner to practice English speaking and listening for living and searching for job, meanwhile I may help you to practice and improve your Man..... translate

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Zurück zu Chinesisch, Mandarin lernen Home

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
Suscríbase ahora - ¡agrege su perfil gratis!

Como lo muestra...
La revista Yahoo! Internet Life

Testimonios de los miembros
"Mi intercambio de idiomas está funcionando de maravillas." ..."Estamos más que contentos con el intercambio. Gracias por organizarlo todo. Gracias por todo."

- John C., Nueva York, Estados Unidos

"Ha sido una gran experiencia para mí hasta ahora." ..."éste es el sitio n°1 entre mis favoritos. Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."Usaré su sitio para practicar francés y se lo recomiendo a todos los que conozco.

- Katerina Vallianatos, profesora de inglés como segunda lengua, EE.UU.

..."Estuve buscando alrededor de un mes un sitio de este tipo sin encontrar ninguno que me gustara. Felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias. Continúen trabajando así."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canadá

"Recomiendo su sitio a mis profesores de español y a otros estudiantes.  ¡Creo que es una gran idea!"  ..."Lo usaré más en el futuro como profesor.  Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."al fin algo útil en Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, EE.UU.

Lea los testimonios completos


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