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Re:Re:Please help me :P
Hi I am Mexican and I want to learn English and I was thinking you can practice with me


Language pair: English; Italian
Juan Carlos S.
October 23, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 4, 2011
Re:Please help me :P
Hi! I'm Italian and I can help you. I started studying Spanish a few weeks ago and I really want to practice my language skills with a native speaker, so it would be useful for use to chat. The only problem is that I'm not a gold member so I can't send e-mails. If you want to chat with me, write me first!
Bye :)

Language pair: English; Italian
October 21, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 4, 2011
Please help me :P
Hiii everyone... I need to improve my italian.... And I can help you with spanish and english :)

Language pair: English; Italian
October 20, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 4, 2011
Re:hola a todos!
Hey there! I can help you with your English if you want. It's not my mothertong but I lived in Scotland and in Ireland so I think I can talk pretty well. I'm trying to learn Spanish on my own (not easy...) I've started a month ago but I can understand almost everything. (not sure I can write though !)
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. (I can give you my e-mail adress if you want !)

Language pair: English; Italian
October 11, 2011

# Msgs: 13
Latest: December 14, 2011
hola a todos!
hey como estan?? hablo español estoy en un nivel intermedio de ingles y busco mejorarlo para despues aprender italiano ya q estuve un tiempo en italia y m interesa aprenderlon tambien! busca personas q les interese aprender español seriedad y respeto de i parte gracias!!

Language pair: English; Italian
carlos s.
October 4, 2011

# Msgs: 13
Latest: December 14, 2011
Mi chiamo Evie. Come stai? Chiedo scusa per mio rudimentale italiano, ma di recente lanciare imparare lingua. Una bella lingua. C’e qualcosa che piace parlare. Buona giomata.
My name is Evie. How are you? I apologize for my rudimentary italian, but I recently started to learn the language. It is a beautiful language. Is there anything that you like to talk about? Have a nice day.

Language pair: Italian; English
October 1, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 1, 2011
My name is Chiara and I want to improve my English, exchanging opinions and talking to boys and girls from England, in return I can help you to leran Italian, my motherlanguage

Language pair: Italian; English
September 30, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 1, 2011
Re:i wanna improve my english skills
hi ayumi, i'm italian my name is francesco! i would like improve your and my english with a conversation! I've 26years, you? I job in hotel and frequently i meet japanese people and is very interesting for me your culture and your food! write for me, bye

Language pair: English; Italian
September 19, 2011

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 19, 2011
Re:i wanna improve my english skills
hi ayumi, i'm italian my name is francesco! i would like improve your and my english with a conversation! I've 26years, you? I job in hotel and frequently i meet japanese people and is very interesting for me your culture and your food! write for me, bye

Language pair: English; Italian
September 19, 2011

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 19, 2011
I am looking friendship pen for English if you can answer me
My name is Francesco, I am writing from Italy.
I am the search of friend of pen from united states for improving my English.
I am the first week of learning.
you soon

Language pair: English; Italian
Francesco G.
July 30, 2011

# Msgs: 1

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