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Translation of Love Poems
Dear All ,
I need someone to translate my 52 Love poems .
Original poems written in Hindi , English Translation available.
translator name will be published and will get Royalty from my share of Royalty
Best wishes Indu Kant Angiras
Language pair: Turkish; Armenian
Indu Kant A.
June 2, 2020
# Msgs: 1
What are you reading?
I'm reading The Ignorant Schoolmaster-Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation by Rancière. It is a good book for teachers. if there are any teachers, I advise it. "To explain something to someone is first of all to show him he cannot understand it by himself."
Language pair: English; Turkish
Necla S.
September 4, 2016
# Msgs: 1
I am tourist guide at Turkey.
Hi! My name is Adem. I'm 33 years old and from Turkey in Ýstanbul. I am tourist guide at Turkey. I'm looking for native English speakers who would like to help me to learn better english. Of course I would like to help you with your Turkish. Also If you came to Turkey . I'd be delighted to guide you if you come to Turkey. Because Turkey is very, very beautiful place. You should definitely see.
Language pair: Turkish; English
adem s.
March 20, 2012
# Msgs: 1
Re:Hi!! looking for penpals
Hi!Maybe I'm not the one you re looking for but i can help you,too.I am a student of education of english and my english is good.Also,as far as I understood,you re a fan of Jane Austen or just Pride and Prejudice so we can get on well together because so am I=)
Language pair: English; Turkish
bluuche t.
October 10, 2009
# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 10, 2009
Sokaktayým, kimsesiz bir sokak ortasýnda, Yürüyorum, arkama bakmadan yürüyorum. Yolumun karanlýða karýþan noktasýnda Sanki beni bekleyen bir hayal görüyorum.
Kara gökler kül rengi bulutlarla kapanýk, Evlerin bacasýný kolluyor yýldýrýmlar. Bu gece yarýsýnda iki kiþi uyanýk: Biri benim, biri de uzayan kaldýrýmlar.
Ýçimde damla damla bir korku birikiyor, Sanýyorum her sokak baþýný kesmiþ devler. Simsiyah camlarýný üzerime dikiyor Gözleri çýkarýlmýþ bir ama gibi evler.
Kaldýrýmlar, ýstýrap çekenlerin annesi, Kaldýrýmlar, içimde yaþamýþ bir insandýr. Kaldýrýmlar, duyulur ses kesilince sesi, Kaldýrýmlar, içimde uzayan bir lisandýr.
Bana düþmez can vermek bir kucakta, Ben bu kaldýrýmlarýn istediði çocuðum. Aman, sabah olmasýn bu karanlýk sokakta, Bu karanlýk sokakta bitmesin yolculuðum.
Ben gideyim yol gitsin, ben gideyim yol gitsin, Ýki yanýmdan aksýn bir sel gibi fenerler. Tak... tak... ayak sesimi aç köpekler iþitsin. Yolumun taký olsun zulmetten taþ kemerler.
Ne ýþýkta gezeyim, ne göze görüneyim, Gündüzler size kalsýn, verin karanlýklarý. Islak bir yorgan gibi iyice bürüneyim, Örtün, üstüme örtün, serin karanlýklarý.
Uzanýverse gövdem taþlara boydan boya, Alsa bu soðuk taþlar alnýmdaki ateþi. Dalýp sokaklar kadar esrarlý bir uykuya Ölse kaldýrýmlarýn kara sevdalý eþi.
I'm in the street, in a street all lonely Walking, walking and never looking back At the point my path is mingled with the black I seem to see a phantom wait for me
Ashen clouds overcast the darkling sky Lightening bolts seek the chimneys of homes In this midnight only two who sleepless roam I here am one and there the sidewalks lie
Drop by drop a terror collects in me At the head of every street the demons wait The houses fix their gaze, dark black and great, On me, like blindmen with their eyes ripped free
The sidewalks, mother to the suffering Sidewalks, the person who has lived in me Sidewalks, sound heard when all sounds cease to be Sidewalks, a language within me lingering
I'll not give up life in a soft embrace I am the child nursed at this sidewalk's breast Please let no morning on this dark street rest On this dark street let me ever run my race
Let me go on and the road, let us not stay Let the lamps flow past me like a flood Let hungry dogs hear the click-clack of my tread Let there be an arch, vaulted in gloom, on my way
Let the daytimes be yours, give me darknesses Let me not walk in light nor to eyes appear As in a damp quilt let me wrap myself here Cover me, cover me in their cool darknesses
If my body, full-length on these stones could lie If these cold stones would draw the fever from my brow Like these streets plunging into uncanny drowse If only the sidewalks' melancholy mate would die
Necip Fazýl Kýsakürek Translated by Walter G. Andrews
Language pair: Turkish; English
Monna R.
October 22, 2008
# Msgs: 1
Knut Hamsun
I've read the "Wanderer triology (Under the autumn stars,The wanderer plays on muted strings and the last joy)" of Knut Hamsun.And I should say that I've been admired in his writing style. I'll buy his first novel "Sult" of course into turkish.if you read it,can you tell me a bit about it?
Language pair: Norwegian; Turkish
Monna R.
October 16, 2008
# Msgs: 1
V.C. Andrews's Books
Hello; Im Çaðla from Turkey.. I like V.C Andrews's books.i read Flowers in the Attic(Dollanganger family) series and Melody (Logan family) series. And they was very impressive..!
Language pair: Turkish; English
September 7, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Laerning Turkish
Please can some one recommend a "TEACH YOURSEL TURKISH". I am a beginner, fluent in English and Urdu.
Language pair: English; Turkish
Momtaaz J.
March 25, 2005
# Msgs: 1