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Making Friends - Hello, do you wanna be my friend? XD - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Hello, do you wanna be my friend? XD

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# Message Posted By
Hello, do you wanna be my friend? XD

I'm Marcia, from Brazil, and I'd like to have friends that speak oder English, German or French. I can also help peolpe with the portuguese of Brazil and something about english (my english is not perfect but I've learned lots of things already!I'm in a Advanced course of english now). I study Portuguese and German in the Uni, so I think I can probably help people with portuguese.

Besides languages, I also like very much: Cinema and Tv Series. As a matter of fact I wanna work in film industry on day! =D

I'm looking for improving my german, start learning french and, if possible, my english too. =D


Language pair: English; Portuguese
March 20, 2008

Re:Hello, do you wanna be my friend? XD

I wanna learn your language in Brazil. :)

I can help you with English.

Language pair: English; Portuguese
This is a reply to message # 128776
March 22, 2008


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