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Making Friends - How to say this in portuguese? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: How to say this in portuguese?

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How to say this in portuguese?
Hello everybody,

Can somebody help me with translating some english or dutch words in portuguese? I what to know some phrases which I use a lot in my communication. For example: really? These kind of words and phrases are more "spoken" language and not to look up for it in the studybooks. Does somebody have the time to help? I really would appriate it! Thanks in advance!

beijos Tina

Language pair: Portuguese; English

October 14, 2008

Re:How to say this in portuguese?
Hi Tina!
This expression have two meanings, but in this context means: sério?
Or we say: é sério? (is really?)
Really means "realmente".

I hope this help you! ;)

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 142174
October 15, 2008

Re:How to say this in portuguese?
Hi Tina!
The context of this word "really?" means: sério?
It's very common we say: é sério?
This word really means realmente too.

i hope this help you

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 142174
October 15, 2008


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