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Study Abroad - Currently in Germany working on an Internship, want to practice my German with someone - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: Currently in Germany working on an Internship, want to practice my German with someone

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Currently in Germany working on an Internship, want to practice my German with someone
I'm currently in the Frankfurt/Offenbach area doing an internship.
My German is fine, but my goal is to be almost completely fluent by the time I leave, or at least much more comfortable. I would love to find someone to help me out with my German, and I'll gladly help you with your English!!! Just reply if you're interested!

Language pair: English; German

June 25, 2009

Re:Currently in Germany working on an Internship, want to practice my German with someone

my native language is German and I would like to help you speaking fluently. But I also need some help with my english.

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 156452
August 5, 2009


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