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Study Abroad - economics studies abroad? - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: economics studies abroad?

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economics studies abroad?
hi everybody!!! I'm vladimir from Serbia. I speak English (upperintermediate), French (preintermediate, i'd say) and German (beginner). I'd like to study economics master course (finance, banking, management, human resources, injuranse or something like that, it doesn't matter) in a country where i'd learn a new language, improve my own english, french or german, and meet new people. I'm excellent student (average mark 9.94 after finished second year), so i suppose and hope that i'll get a schoolarship.
Could u tell me links to the universities which provide student exchange programs for economics master?
I'm also ready to help someone to learn serbian and to meet new friends (p.s. i'm not gold member, so i can't sent messages, so u'll have to send to me)

Language pair: French; German

September 6, 2009


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