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Study Abroad - Long for Nostalgic Tour in China? - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: Long for Nostalgic Tour in China?

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Long for Nostalgic Tour in China?
Long for nostalgic tour in China?Have u been to China ?have u been to Beijing and Shandong?are u fresh men in China?are u lonely and wanna know more friends and language partners?Valentine day is right around the corner,expressing the undying devotion to your significant one ?when the perfect chance coming,hold it or let it slip away cuz hesitation?regardless of whatever the answer u might give me,wanna u know our official event how much means to u!awesome !
China Council for Promotion of Int'l trade ,CCPIT will hold 4th Int'l Rubber Tire and Auto Parts show May 15,sign up to be audience and join us,we will pay for your hotel,bus,meals during show,u feel like the actor or actress in the movie,it's cool.u know most movie director and writer get inspiration from traveling.
Spectators age have to between 24 and older.
Spectator will have a fancy gift for u join us.
We will pick u up from Beijing 

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
February 13, 2013


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