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New Member - Looking for Greek language pairs and I could teach you Chinese (both Mandarin&Cantonese) - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Looking for Greek language pairs and I could teach you Chinese (both Mandarin&Cantonese)

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Looking for Greek language pairs and I could teach you Chinese (both Mandarin&Cantonese)
Looking for Greek language pairs and I could teach you Chinese (both Mandarin&Cantonese). I live in Athens and please feel free to contact:)

Language pair: Greek; Chinese, Mandarin

March 24, 2014

Re:Looking for Greek language pairs and I could teach you Chinese (both Mandarin&Cantonese)
Hi Elev, I am from Greece living in Athens speaking English fluently and trying to learn Mandarin.I hope we can help each other.

Language pair: Greek; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 205408
August 2, 2014


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