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Vocabulary/Translations - Question about using the subjunctive in Spanish - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Question about using the subjunctive in Spanish

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Question about using the subjunctive in Spanish
In this example why is the subjunctive used "Llamo (past tense with the accent on the o) a un amigo que pudiera/pudiese ayudarla". It is my understanding that you need a trigger word or phrase to use the subjunctive. Usually something that refers to emotions/desires etc. In this case I don't see that. Why wouldn't you just use "Llamo a un amigo que puso ayudarla"? Or does using the subjunctive change the meaning in this case. I am confused about his one? Please help.

Language pair: Spanish; All

May 2, 2019

Re:Question about using the subjunctive in Spanish
Hi! Well, I just speak it since I'm a native! In this case it's not about a desire but a possibility! That person was not sure AT ALL if the other person could help but there was a posibility, if you use PUDO you refer, in this case, to something certain, but it is not! Needed to call someone who could help, maybe yes, maybe no! PUDO is like you are CERTAIN that person will be helpful! Hope I made myself understood! Remember I refer to THIS CONTEXT!

Language pair: Spanish; Korean
This is a reply to message # 236159

May 16, 2019

Re:Question about using the subjunctive in Spanish
necesitas saber porque utilizo la palabra "llamo"

Language pair: Spanish; All
This is a reply to message # 236159
May 18, 2019


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