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Vocabulary/Translations - Help! anyone can to translate this song for me? (finnish/spanish) - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: Help! anyone can to translate this song for me? (finnish/spanish)

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Help! anyone can to translate this song for me? (finnish/spanish)
On verensä kylmä sen
Tämä suru
Keskellä ruumiiden
Katsoo kun taivas kuolee
Tämä elämä
Sateessa kyynnelten

Alla paljaan
Hyljätyn maan

Tuskin kauaa
Lihansa vanki
Kohtaa tyhjyys autuuden
Silmiin katsoo
Kuoleman lintu
Keskellä varjojen

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
March 24, 2005

Re:Help! anyone can to translate this song for me? (finnish/spanish)
Its blood is cold On verensä kylmä sen
This sorrow Tämä suru
In the middle of the dead bodies Keskellä ruumiiden
Looks when the sky is dying Katsoo kun taivas kuolee
This life Tämä elämä
In the rain of the tears Sateessa kyynnelten

In peace Rauhassa
In a dream Unessa
Under the bare Alla paljaan
abandoned ground Hyljätyn maan

Hardly a long time Tuskin kauaa
The prisoner of the flesh Lihansa vanki
The emptiness meets the bliss Kohtaa tyhjyys autuuden
Looks into the eyes Silmiin katsoo
The bird of the death Kuoleman lintu
Fasten with locks Teljettynä
In the middle of the shadows Keskellä varjojen

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
This is a reply to message # 47976
April 1, 2005

Re:Re:Help! anyone can to translate this song for me? (finnish/spanish)
Hi, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. And I'd like to learn finnish because it's a really beatiful and interesting language.

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
This is a reply to message # 48745
July 15, 2005

Re:Help! anyone can to translate this song for me? (finnish/spanish)
El tiene sangre frio
Este dolor
En el centro de los cuerpos (cadaver)
Mira que el cielo se muere
Esa vida
Debajo de la lluvia con las lagrimas

En la paz
En los sueños

Bajo la tierra (=maa)
desnuda y desierto (=paljas ja hylätty)

Apenas mucho tiempo
Detenido del carne
Vacio se encontra de su felicidad
Mira a los ojos
Ave del muerte
Como atrancado/cerrado.
En el medio de las sombras.

PS. No se, si hay muchos errores, pero estoy tambien estudiando aqui..

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
This is a reply to message # 47976

May 15, 2006


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