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Hangman Games Home > Hungarian > Popular Expression > Body / Health / Senses
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Title of Game | Language | Type | Category | Created by | Rating |
How are you? H _g _ v _ _y? |
Hungarian | Popular Expression | Body / Health / Senses | Gabor Z. May 3, 2012 2 games |
3.6 3 votes view |
Ha sokat dolgoztál vagy keveset aludtál akkor ... vagy k _ _e _ü _t |
Hungarian | Popular Expression | Body / Health / Senses | Adrian L. December 8, 2009 1 games |
3.6 3 votes view |
Amikor nagyon kifáradtál k _ _e _ü _t |
Hungarian | Popular Expression | Body / Health / Senses | Laszlo L. November 7, 2009 1 games |
5 2 votes view |
the expression 'green with envy' in Hungarian is.... _ _ _ _ul _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _töl |
Hungarian | Popular Expression | Body / Health / Senses | Lilla March 25, 2002 10 games |
4 27 votes view |
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