名前 | 国 (都市) | 母国 言語 | 学習したい 言語 | 詳細 |
I'm Metxu and my age is 57. I am a Basque philologist who has been studying English for several years in order to keep up my English skills and hopefully, improve them! You know... 'use it or lose it!'
I am trying to get more input by reading and listening in English and to get to know some nice people from Eire and UK to chat . I would be happy to help with your Spanish.
My name is Beatriz, born in the north of Spain. I am clinical psychologist, specialised in psychoanalysis and cognitive neuroscience. I love nature, literature and poetry, classical music, piano, medicine...
At present, I would like to improve my german and russian language skills. I would help you with english, basque or spanish in exchange. It would be a pleasure to hear from you)
Aupa! Solasa euskaraz eskaintzen dut, gaelikoz, alemanez edota ingelesez mintzatzearen truke, zer iruditzen zaizu? Espainolez ere badakit./Buenas, intercambio de conversación en euskera o en español a cambio de Gaeilge (Irlanda), alemán o inglés. Pamplona-Iruñea, interesak: musika, historia, culturas extranjeras...
Hola, estoy interesada en poner en practica y mejorar el ingles que aprendí, sobre todo hablado. Tambien estoy interesada en el italiano. Emakume euskalduna naiz
I´m Iraia and I am from the north of Spain, from the Basque country. I´m looking for a girl or boy from my age to lean English better. I can help you to improve your Spanish too. I´m looking for a friend with who I could do an exchange. If I´m interesting for you you can cointact me!
Je m'appelle Iranzu, j'habite à Bilbao et je voudrais trouver des correspondant(e)s pour discuter, histoire d'essayer de ne pas oublier le francais que tellement d'efforts m'a coûté d'apprendre. Toujours prête à aider ceux qui voudront apprendre ou améliorer l'espagnol ou le basque. Au plaisir de vous lire et même vous entendre.
Ich brauche ihre Hilfe ... See more
(Donostia-San Sebastián)
Hizkuntzak gustatzen zaizkit bai hitz egiteko, bai irakasteko.
I like languages both speaking and teaching them.
Me gusta conocer la cultura e historia hablando con la gente del lugar visitado, cuando viajo.
I want to improve the languages I know and learn a little more those I studied for some time.
Ich möchte meine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern und die Sprachen, die ich schon seit einiger Zeit... See more
Hey there! It's Irati. I'm 22 years old and i come from San Sebastian, a little town located in the north of Spain. I'd say that i'm quite extrovert and adventurous. Well, i created this profile 7 years ago at the age of 15 to practice my French...and i already speak it fluently cause i've been going up and down all over france in the last decade! Although i have a good le... See more
United Kingdom
Hi, I am a Basque and Spanish teacher in Edinburgh and would like to exchange languages. I am currently learning beginner's Japanese and Arabic, and would like to improve conversational German, Gaelic and Portuguese. I can help you with Basque, Spanish, French, English, or up to intermediate Chinese/Georgian (I have a B2 in these last two)
I’ve been to Japan before covid with the working holiday visa. I stayed in Tokyo for 1 year but never attended a language school. I can understand conversational Japanese but I’m not able to speak fluently. I want to practice talking in Japanese and in exchange I can help with your Basque or Spanish.