Language School : Private and Semi-private Lessons for English, Spanish and French

Language School

Private and Semi-private Lessons for English, Spanish and French

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Language School

Private and Semi-private Lessons for English, Spanish and French

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Get your own customized language lessons!
  • Advance in your career
  • Get closer to your foreign friends and co-workers
  • Add meaning to your immersion and travels by participating in the local culture
  • Secure foreign clients and grow international sales

Advance quickly by taking lessons that are customized to meet your specific language training needs. Benefit from your teacher’s full attention.

Become fluent by learning from experienced teachers who are native speakers of the language they are teaching.

Benefit from a teacher who has been in your shoes. Not only are our teachers native speakers of the language they teach, they are also learning a foreign language themselves. So they understand your challenges and difficulties, both as a student and as a teacher.

Advance at your own pace. Schedule lessons to be as frequent as you want.

No traffic or commuting! Enjoy the convenience of learning from your own home or office via the Internet.

Open to native speakers of all languages and students at all skill levels.

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- September 13, 2001