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Language > German
Category > Jokes

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Hi. I know English and German fluently. I do not need help with these languages, but I am willing to help u with ur german with no return.

Language pair: English; German
November 25, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 25, 2014
German Jokes - Deutsche Witze
Why not start a thread about jokes in German?
Warum nicht mal einen Beitrag für Witze auf Deutsch? - Here we go:

Warum ist eine Blondine lange in der Wüste?

Sie saugt Staub!

Fritzchen zeigt seiner Oma sein neues Fahrrad: "Guck mal, Oma, wie toll ich fahren kann! - Guck mal, Oma, ich kann sogar ohne Füße fahren! - Guck mal Oma, ich kann eine Hand weglassen! - Guck mal Oma, ich kann ohne Hände fahren! - Guck mal, Oma, ich kann ohne Tschäne pahren!"
(Versuch, beim letzten Satz so zu tun als hättest du keine Zähne und so zu sagen: "Ich kann ohne Zähne fahren.")

Language pair: German; 
November 10, 2014

# Msgs: 1

I want to learn Deustche and Portuguese
Hi, I'm an Spanish speaker who wants to learn German and Portuguese. I'm from Mexico. I'm interested in their culture and language. I hope find someone here.

Language pair: German; Portuguese
Roger C.
October 2, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Let's start with German :)
Dear All,

I am a beginner with German language, Shall we try to improve our skills?

Rajeesh MP

Language pair: German; English
Raj M.
August 27, 2014

# Msgs: 1

learn germany
My native language is arabic
I'm not bad at English
I want to learn Germany and I need some help

Language pair: Arabic, other; German
mustafa m.
August 25, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:How do you say 'CAKE' in your native language?
Sounds like kitchen..Will never forget that.

Language pair: German; English
Kwame A.
August 9, 2014

# Msgs: 27
Latest: October 5, 2014
Exchange in English and German
I'm 31 years old and i would like to exchange with american or english people to improve my English skills and with german people to improve my german.

I can help you to speak and write in French, which is my mother language.

Thanks !

Language pair: English; German
Vincent O.
August 8, 2014

# Msgs: 1

I want to improve my spanishs
I would like to improve my spanish,
i live in basel/swiss near Germany and i can learn you german

Language pair: German; 
July 24, 2014

# Msgs: 1

If any one needs to practice in Persian and English and also make a friend please contact me

Language pair: Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi); German
July 18, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 19, 2014
Re:Re:Hallo! :)
I'm German and I would like to help you!

Language pair: German; English
June 21, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 21, 2014
Total found: 616 !
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