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Language > German
Category > Slang/Expressions

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who can teach me German
Hi, I am native Croatian speaker, and I would like to find someone to talk on German. Instead of that I can teach you Croatian.

Language pair: Croatian; German
March 10, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Complete beginner in Swedish!
Hi, I'm 21 an from Belgium. My native language is German and I'd like to learn Swedish and Irish! I can help you with German, French and English (depends on your level of English though!) Contact me please, I'm not a Goldmember!

Language pair: German; Swedish
March 9, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:who can help me with farsi???
Hi Mela! Ich bin Farin! Meine Muttersprache ist persisch ,und ich studiere hier in Deutschland,deshalb möchte ich gern mein Deutsch verbessern!Können wir vielleicht auf persisch und auf deutsch paar Sätze schreiben und uns korregieren!
Liebe Grüße

Language pair: German; Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi)
Farin F.
February 26, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 26, 2010
Re:In search of a native English speaker !!!
Hallo fairytale,

I am looking for a native German speaker to help me improve my German skills. I'm not a gold member but maybe we can keep contact by the message boards. I am interested in German culture and I can help you with your English skills and teach you a little about American culture.

I hope to talk to you soon!


Language pair: German; English
February 22, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 22, 2010
In Search of native German speaker
I am looking for a native German speaker to help me improve my German skills as part of my Independent Study Course at my school. I want to learn about the language and the culture since I would like to travel to Germany in the next few years for college.

Language pair: English; German
February 22, 2010

# Msgs: 1

In search of a native English speaker !!!
Hi, is anybody there, which can help me?

My name is fairytale.
I`m a native German speaker and would like to refresh my English knowledge.

I know it`s difficult to come in contact with you, because I`m not a gold member. Perhaps you`re a gold member and interested in German language and culture ???

In this case I would be happy to hear from you!

Greetings from fairytale

Language pair: German; English
February 17, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 22, 2010
German Help(:
My Skype is panda_bear16. Skype me(:

Language pair: English; German
February 10, 2010

# Msgs: 1

German Help(:
Hey(: If anyone can help to improve my German, that would be a great help. And in return, I'll halp you out with your English. (:

Language pair: English; German
February 10, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Hi everybody!
Hi!my name is Anara,i'll need to improve my english.i'm a student.if you help me to learn english,i can help with russian,turkish,uzbek,kyrgyz languages.

Language pair: English; German
February 3, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 5, 2010
Hallo, ich will mich mein Deutsch verbessern,ebenso gut wie Deutsche Umgangsprache und geilen Phrasen. Als dank für Hilfeleistung,werde ich euch mit Ihren Englisch unterstützen.

bin kein Gold Member.

Language pair: English; German
Steve C.
February 1, 2010

# Msgs: 1

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