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Category > Computer Technology

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Japanese Characters on English Computer
Does anyone know how I can type Japanese characters on an English keyboard/computer? I would like to be able to learn kana (and eventually kanji) and so would like to be able to use these in my languauge exchange. I've tried searching for how to do it but can't make any sense of it!

Language pair: English; Japanese
Craig F.
March 10, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 27, 2011
Rosetta Stone Language Learning Software
hi I am learning Japanese language , but my thinking is that avoid the software to learn any language , there are many website are available for this because softer might have some bugs.

Language pair: English; Japanese
Brad J.
October 8, 2010

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 8, 2010
Re:program that has japanese letters
hi luke,
i got ur meaning..

well, our language has 3 kinds of letters.
one is 'hiragana' as u pointed out '‚Ä'.
second is 'katakana'. for example, the sound of 'te' is 'ƒe' but im afraid if u can read dis font on ur computer.
the third is 'kanji' from china over 1400yrs ago has lots of letters. example 'Žè' as so on.
these all r same sound of 'te' having differencies of letter.
so i think u can find it exploring 'hiragana''katakana''kanji'.
good luck.

Language pair: English; Japanese
January 21, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 21, 2010
program that has japanese letters
i was hoping that i could find out where i could find a program that would let me get Japanese charecters onto a computer preferably onto a home made website

Language pair: English; Japanese
January 14, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 21, 2010
Japanese Fonts for Mac
Hi. I was wondering if anybody out there knows of some good Japanese fonts for Mac computers. I've found a couple, but they seem to only work for Windows. If anyone could help me, that would great.


Language pair: English; Japanese
Makani S.
April 29, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Want to learn japanese
It's my first day here.

can U contect me?

Language pair: Bengali; Japanese
Jessica J.
August 26, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 26, 2007
Re:Want to learn japanese
Japanese software does help if you learn by listening. You can play fun games too. You can even practice speaking Japanese too. Here are my picks for Japanese software

Instant Immersion
Rosetta Stone Level 1/2
Eurotalk Interactive (from UK)
Tell Me More

Gambatte kudasai ne.

Language pair: Bengali; Japanese
Carrie W.
August 3, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 26, 2007
Want to learn japanese
I am kalyan want to learn japanese, please anybody can help me from the begening.i will greatfull to you all friends.

Language pair: Bengali; Japanese
Kalyan C.
July 2, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 26, 2007
Re:Re:I am looking for people who speak in native english
Hi,Nero ! thanks for your reply. I glad to discuss with you about wireless communication.you can contact me with E_mail or MSN.I can't get your E_mail because i am not a gold member.

Language pair: English; Japanese
October 20, 2006

# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 8, 2007
using japanese kanji on my pc
is there a programe or something out there that would allow an american pc to read/write in japanese?... anyone know ?. please help me if you would be so kind thank you

Language pair: English; Japanese
September 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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