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Language > Hebrew
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:hebrew alphabet--alfabeto hebreo.
Hola, soy mujer casi vieja y me gustaría aprender el español. Como soy jubilada y tengo mucho tiempo libre, decide (hace unos anos) aprender el idioma mas bello del mundo. Y claro que me refiero al español. Yo no soy ¨gold member¨y no puedo elegir miembros con quienes quiero comunicarme. Por eso, si Vd. Quiere charlar conmigo, por favor escríbame a través de esta pagina de la red.
Yo, en cambio puedo ayúdale con el ingles.
Ojala que vaya a recibir su respuesta cuanto antes.
I also can teach hebrew. but I do not know how to contact you. I have skype if you do too, I'll contact you.

Language pair: Spanish; Hebrew
Raquel R.
December 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Help on Hebrew... like everything! And Yiddish too!
Hello everybody! I am a girl who just turned fifteen four days ago and I am going to become Jewish in about maybe a year or less, I need a native Hebrew speaker who can be kind and patient enough to teach me. Plus I need to speak Yiddish as well because my family is starting to speak about four diffrent languages soon! If anyone is a native speaker in both Hebrew and Yiddish I'll be happy to teach them English if they need it.

Language pair: English; Hebrew
Alyssa S.
February 26, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:learn hebrew
hey is depends, if u are a male and u are saying it to a female u say:
ani mitgahageha elayix

and if u are a female saying it to a male:

ani mitgahagahat elexa

Language pair: English; Hebrew
galina n.
December 24, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 24, 2005
Re:learn hebrew
hey it depends, if u are a male and u are saying it to a female u say:
ani mitgahageha elayix

and if u are a female saying it to a male:

ani mitgahagahat elexa

Language pair: English; Hebrew
galina n.
December 24, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 24, 2005
Re:I'd like to learn some Japanese...
Hi,Daniel. I'm Rise from Japan.I want to help you to learn Japanese and culture.I'm interested in Hebrew but there's no way to learn except your help. Please reply if you are interested.

Language pair: Hebrew; English
November 12, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 1, 2007
Reply to Rafael Palafox MSG # 32639
Hi Rafael,

I'm not sure what your habits are for examining messages as they are posted, so I thought I'd let you know that I'd replied to a very old message of yours from Jun of last year in Vocabular/Translations, your message number 32639.


Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: English; Hebrew
Mark S.
March 2, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Translation of El Shaddai

Hi Rafael,

I was looking for that information in your message archives, and I ran across this one, which sparked my interest, and since I didn’t see any response posted, I went and got a fair answer for you:

Browsing the Internet, I found the Following translations of those puzzling words:

El Shaddai = God Almighty
El Elyonna Adonai = God in the highest, Oh, Lord
Erkahmka Adonai = We will love You, Oh, Lord

This was not any kind of an academic web site, but in the context of the song, I think these translations make good sense. I would be willing to trust them.

Talk to you later,

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; Hebrew
Mark S.
March 2, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 23, 2008
Re:how to translate from english to cambodian and chinese and hebrew
Hi there...
I know Hebrew therefore I can help only with that...
I don't know wether u can read Hebrew letters or not so I'll write both in Hebrew letters and in Latins letters. The translation:
הם, אלו שרקדו, נחשבו למשוגעים, על ידי אלו שלא יכלו לשמוע את המוסיקה.
hem, elu sherakdu, nechshavu lemeshugaym, al yedey elu shelo yachlu lishmo'a et hamusika.

I hope I helped you:)



Language pair: English; Hebrew
Yafit L.
January 10, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: July 5, 2008
Re:Help pls to translate it from Hebrew
I know that song! I've heard it played by a Christian-Jew, Marty Geotz. And I'm sorry, I don't know what it means in English. I have the sheet music for the piano, but I'm not sure that its the translation.

El Shaddai, El Shaddai
El Elyona Adonai

Age to Age
You're still the same
by the power of the name.

El Shaddai, El Shaddai
Er kahmka na Adonai

We will praise and lift you high
El Shaddai

I hope it helps you, and contact me if you can/want.

Language pair: Spanish; Hebrew
Amalia C.
August 29, 2004

# Msgs: 1

ho, my dad is something special...
i wanted to surprise him and now he says he dont have time for that...:(
but never mind, i want to learn polish to...
can you teach me the basic languadge?

Language pair: English; Hebrew
n s.
August 11, 2003

# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 15, 2003
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