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Language > Romanian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
Buna Aniela! Would you like to help me practising Româna?
Ai grija pe tine si sper pe curand

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 5, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:How does Romanian read english names
romanian read word in origin language

Language pair: Romanian; English
September 3, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 5, 2005
Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian

i'm not quite sure what you wanted to say with that sentence because it doesn't sound quite right.
but generally in romanian "-" is more a pornounciation sound. like if you write "si au" you pronounce the words with the pause in between. but if you write "si-au" you say them as if they were one word.

sometimes it replaces a letter. for example "si isi" can be written si-si and in this case the "-" replaces the i.of course the pronounciation in the second case is more fluent than in the first.

and at times it can replace a comma. like you say "18 oameni au murit- conform guvernului- din cauza inundatiilor". 18 people died-according to the government- because of the floodings.

and i can't think of any other instances when we use "-" in romanian.

ai grija de tine

Language pair: Romanian; English
September 3, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
Hi Maggie

you're perfectly right. primul, al doilea and so on are only used for masculine nouns. i'm sorry i forgot to mention that :o(. thanks very muuch for pointing that out :o).

ai grija

Language pair: German; Romanian
September 3, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
Te salut Aniela!

I allways thought "primul", "al doilea" and so on is only used in connection with masculine nouns, isn't it?.

Ai grija pe tine

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 2, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:a few questions about romanian
i have a few answers for you
Q1: yes zero is romanian for "0"
Q2: 24 august 2005 would be written in romanian "douazeci si patru(24) august doua mii cinci (2005). as for the pronounciation part it would be a bit too long and complicated to explain here
Q3: 1st- primul, 2nd- al doilea, 3rd- al treilea, 4th- al patrulea, 5th- al cincilea, 6th- al saselea,7th- al saptelea, 8th- al optulea, 9th al noualea, 10th al zecelea (i'm sorry but i don't have special characters)
Q4:not always but genrally yes. there isn't too much care for using special characters on websites. but there is no simple si in romanian just the form with the comma under the s.
Q5: i will have to get back to you on that one. but there are some conversation guides with some pronounciation indications.
hope this helps. if you need any more help and are a gold member don't hesitate to contact me
take care

Language pair: Romanian; English
August 28, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:A small translation question
j'en ai entendu parler means "i heard talks about that" or "i heard (people) talking about that"
hope that helps. and if you need more help in french contact me
take care

Language pair: Romanian; Norwegian
August 6, 2005

# Msgs: 1

hi~~ my name is shally...
I want to know Rome and Romanian ^^
I'm Korean girl but I can speak some Japanese...
If you want to know about Korea and Japan's culture or anything else, I'd would share some inf. with you..*^^*
I hope you will reply from my e-mail... bye~~~

Language pair: Romanian; Japanese
shally c.
April 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Please, please preety please I need to learn konkani and I cannot find anybody to teach me!

Language pair: Romanian; English
Loredana M.
November 22, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:some vocabularies from romanian into english
hello rose
my name is aniela and i'm from romania. i can help you learn some romanian if you want.if still interested contact me. hope to hear from you soon.
take care

Language pair: English; Romanian
November 8, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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