Hangman Games by Member : Vero

Short Description of Vero
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Canada
Description: Hi, I'm a french canadian, I will study in English soon and so I would like to improve my English. I am bad at spanish but would like to learn to travel in central and south america. I like outdoor sports in general, cultures, reading, sciences, environnement and a LOT of things! :D

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Vero's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Merry Christmas in french...
_ _y _ _ _   _ _

4 related games: view
French Popular Expressions Holidays / Travel November 1, 2005
40 votes
Ce qu'on mange... What we eat...
_ _ _rr _ _ _r _

3 related games: view
French Popular Expressions Food / Drink November 1, 2005
8 votes
French word for 'help'. Signifie 'porter secours'.
_ _d _ _

10 related games: view
French Popular Expressions Coming and Going November 1, 2005
24 votes

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