Hangman Games by Member : rose anne c.

Short Description of rose anne c.
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Cantonese
Chinese, Mandarin
Chinese, other
Country: Philippines
Description: hi!!! my name is rose anne cuarteros, and my chinese name is kong rui xin, i am good in speaking in english and filipino but i want to try other languages such as mandarin and japanese... and i really wanted to learn this language because i wanted to travel around the world specially here around asia... i love sports and not too much but honestly i love exploring and learning new things... that's it....

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rose anne c.'s most popular games:

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popular expression for those who are kinda stubborn
p _ _a _ _y

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Filipino (Tagalog) Popular Expressions - Other - June 11, 2008
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