Hangman Games by Member : Emily

Short Description of Emily
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United States
Description: Mata sinhala tikak puluwan, namut tawa igenagana onee!! I spent 4 months (one university semester) studying in Sri Lanka and I loved the country, the people, and learning Sinhala! I would like to go back to Sri Lanka to study again and visit friends, which is why I want to practice my Sinhala and learn more. At university I am studying anthropology and archaeology, and I hope to go to graduate school in the future. I live in the US with my parents and my sister.

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Emily's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When something is very good, you say it is...
e _ _k _r _
Sinhalese Popular Expressions - Other - August 25, 2009
5 votes

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