Hangman Games by Member : Aimi H R.

Short Description of Aimi H R.
Native Language(s):
Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Malaysia
Description: Hi, I'm a 26 years old Malay girl who loves to learn Japanese language & culture. My Japanese language is kinda basic & I planned to further my studies in Japan in the future. My mother tongue is Malay & I can converse in English as well. My favourite things are graphic design, games, anime, manga, music & I love making a lot of friends.

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Aimi H R.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you're in pain, you'll say
_ _ _ _
Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) Popular Expressions Emotions December 28, 2009
2 votes

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