Hangman Games by Member : Faith C.

Short Description of Faith C.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Arabic, Middle Eastern
Country: United Kingdom
Description: I am a native english woman who loves to learn other languages. I enjoy speaking to people from other countries, learning about their language and their culture. I have been teaching myself turkish with the help.of friends for a few years now but would likr to develop my knowledge in the hope of eventually becoming a translator. I am also interesyed in learning arabic amd kurdish, and any other langague people want to teach me. Someone please get in touch :) thankksss x

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Faith C.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
I love you
_e _ _   _e _ _ _ _ _ _m
Turkish Popular Expressions Making Love / Sex January 4, 2012
13 votes

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