Hangman Games by Member : Thierry C.

Short Description of Thierry C.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: France
Description: Hi! My name is Thierry, I'm 19. As you can see, I look like a Chinese, and you are right, I AM a Chinese. Yet, I was born in France and I've lived in Paris for 19 years (which pretty much equals to my whole lifetime). Thus, I have no fear to say that I can speak and teach French to anyone, and I would be very glad to! Then, I need you (dixit uncle Sam!) to teach me Chinese or to be devoted in talking to me in English. No pressure though! The most important is to spend a great time in sharing ideas, discovering each other, and be friends maybe ;) I'm not a gold member, so it is up to you to make the first step and contact me !

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Lorsqu'on crie victoire trop vite, on vend...
la   _ _ _ _   de   l& _ _ _ _;ours   avant   _ _   _ _# _ _ _;a
French Popular Expressions - Other - July 22, 2013
2 votes

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