Hangman Games by Member : Amanda

Short Description of Amanda
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Latvia
Description: Hello! 你 好! Sveiki! Привет! 안녕하세요! My name is Amanda, I'm 18 y.o. I have a lot of interests and hobbies. I have a good temper and good manners, I will be a friend who will hear you out and never judge, so please be yourself when you are talking with me! :) Also I would really appreciate if you would help me with my language learning since it's my main reason why I'm here! P.S. sorry but I'm not a golden member, so I can't contact you. It would be very nice if you would write me your e-mail address! :) THANK YOU! ^ ^

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Amanda's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Common used greeting in a day time while greeting another person.
L _bd _ _n!
Latvian Popular Expressions People May 9, 2015
2 votes

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