Hangman Games by Member : Pontus E.

Short Description of Pontus E.
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Country: Sweden
Description: Soy un hombre sueco, tengo 42 años, vivo en Estocolmo en Suecia. Trabajo como arquitecto. Quiero practicar español con gente de España y America del Sur que quieren aprender sueco. Hello, I'm a swedish man, 42 years old, who would like to learn better english, and spanish. If you live in California I would really like to get to know you, and I can teach you swedish!

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Pontus E.'s most popular games:

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When you´re thirsty, in swedish you say...
_a _   ä _   _ _tig.

48 related games: view
Swedish Popular Expressions Food / Drink October 22, 2006
80 votes

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