Hangman Games by Member : Pedro V.

Short Description of Pedro V.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Brazil
Description: Sou professor de Geografia. posso te ajudar com praticas em Português. Desejo melhorar meu inglês para viajar e estudar. Gosto de História, Geopolitca, Cinema, Musica e de cozinhar. Sou velejador e faço trihas de bicicleta. Aguardo seu contato. I am a Geography professor. I want to learn English to travel and study. I can help you practice your Portuguese and your Spanish. I am a gold member. I like History, Geopolitics, Cinema, Music and cooking. I'm a sailor and I like to ride a bike. I wait for your contact.

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Pedro V.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Um presidente sem legitimidade.
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Portuguese Popular Expressions History September 22, 2016
1 votes
The brazilian's Robin Hood
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Portuguese Famous Names or Titles History October 21, 2016
1 votes

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