Hangman Games by Member : Slavitca Mikhaelyvna S.

Short Description of Slavitca Mikhaelyvna S.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Gaelic (Irish)
Country: United States
Description: Kako ci! I was adopted into a macedonian family...a VERY macedonian family (well, except my mom, who is Spanish, but my dad's relatives outnumber her's by about 25 to 1)! I feel like I should practice and learn as much as I can so that I can make my relatives happy. Plus, it's always good to learn other languages! I enjoy dancing, skating, writing, acting, singing, travelling, backpacking, street magic...the list is endless!

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Slavitca Mikhaelyvna S.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Maori Words of Encouragement
k _ _   _a _ _
Maori (New Zealand Maori) Popular Expressions Success / Happiness May 26, 2007
3 votes

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