Hangman Games by Member : catherine d.

Short Description of catherine d.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Gaelic (Irish)
Country: Canada
Description: please wait an english message will follow Bonjour mon nom est catherine et j'ai 20 ans je viens de montréal au québec et jai des ancetre irlandais donc jaimerais apprendre le gaelique d'irlande. pour ce qui est de l'italien et du latin c'est simplement par curiosité et par amour des langues. hi my name is catherine i'm 20 years old and im from montreal in quebec. i really want to learn irish gaeliq( im not sure about how we write it but....)cause i have in my ancester some people who came from ireland. and for italien and latin it's just cause i like all the language and want to learn as much as possible.

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la famille
pa _ _   _ _a _a _ _   _a _s   _a   _ui _ _n _

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French - Others - Family / Relatives March 19, 2008
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