Hangman Games by Member : Eny Y.

Short Description of Eny Y.
Native Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Chinese, other
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: China
Description: I am a native Mandarin speaker original from Shanghai. I have learned English for many years, but still feel awkward when expressing something. So I hope to find some people to learn from each other, give corrections, ask questions and learn different cultures. Speakers or penpals are all welcomed.

Click here to view complete profile or to contact Eny Y..

Eny Y.'s newest games:

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When you feel something is very easy to do, in Chinese (PinYin) you say...
x _ _o   c _i   y _   di _
Chinese, Mandarin Proverbs - Other - May 29, 2008
11 votes

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