Hangman Games by Member : Sabrina B.

Short Description of Sabrina B.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Canada
Description: My name is Sabrina and I'm 21 years old. I moved from Ontario to Alberta to learn english and I soon realized that Alberta is the most english province in canada. My first language is french but because I moved to alberta I only practiced english. I haven't spoken fluent french in 6 years and I would like to beginning practicing my french once again. Bonjour je m'appelle Sabrina, et j'ai 21 ans.J'ai déménager de l'Ontario jusqu'en Alberta pour aprendre l'anglais. Quand j'ai déménager en Alberta j'ai réalizer que c'était la province la plus anglaise. Sa fait 6 ans que je ne parle pas le francais fluament et je voudrais pratiquer mon francais.

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Snow boarding
_a _ _ _   d _   _ _o _
French Famous Quotes Sports November 17, 2008
2 votes

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