Hangman Games by Member : Em

Short Description of Em
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: United Kingdom
Description: Hi =) my name is Emma and I live in the UK. I am currently learning Chinese Mandarin. My level of Chinese is basic and I would appreciate any one who could help me improve ^^ I am also willing to help anyone with their English skills if I can. Also always happy to chat and make new friends ;-) (I am not a gold member though, please contact me - looking forward to it ^^) 你好,我的名字叫Emma,可是你可以叫我Em。 我中国的名字叫付琳。 我是英国人。 我很高兴见到你!=) 我非常喜欢听中国音乐,吃中国饭,看中国电影,我爱中国!hehe =)

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A song by S.H.E
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Chinese, Mandarin Famous Names or Titles Music February 23, 2009
1 votes

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