Hangman Games by Member : Felipe C.

Short Description of Felipe C.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Brazil
Description: Hello! My name is Felipe, I'm a brazilian of 23 years old. I like the purpose of this site, it must be exciting to meet other country people, and their languages too! I like to read, to take a walk, to go to the beach, to travel, to practice sports - specially swimming, soccer and chess. I like to dance in night clubs too. My native language is portuguese, and I have a good english and decent spanish. I would like to learn Italian, french, German and Japanese. Reason: I work with languages, plus I consider to know other languages fun and very useful. If you want to changer information and meet people, contact me! Why not? =)

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Slang commonly used to say 'money'...
_r _n _
Portuguese Popular Expressions Money May 7, 2009
0 votes

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