Hangman Games by Member : Burcu Kaori T.

Short Description of Burcu Kaori T.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Turkey
Description: Hello, I'm a Turkish university student who is about to graduate. I'm fluent in English and I want to improve my Japanese. I can help you out with both English and Turkish so, please contact with me. =) こにちわ、あたしはトルコ人の大学生です、すぐ卒業するほうです。あたしは英語はうまく喋れるので、日本語の勉強ももっとしたいんです。英語でもトルコ語でも手伝うは出来るから、れんかくしてくださいね。 =)

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
(...) Is what we say when we meet someone.
_ _ _h _ _ _
Turkish Popular Expressions Coming and Going July 11, 2011
5 votes

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