Hangman Games by Member : Mary A.

Short Description of Mary A.
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Country: United States
Description: I am an American high school student. I wish to learn Japanese because it is a very beautiful language in my opinion. I have always wanted to learn a second language and Japanese was my choice, I wanted to learn something different. I am still a beginner, but am striving to gain higher levels in the Japanese language and wish to speak as though a native. Konnichiwa. Watashi no namae wa mari desu. Watashi wa amerika jin desu. Watashi wa nihongo wo ichikagetu narrate imasu. nihongo wo benkyou shite imasu. Watashi no nihongo wa heta desu. Sumimasen. やあ。私の名前はめり。私は17才です。私はアメリカ人です。私は日本語を一ヶ月習っています。日本語を習いたいです。私の日本語はへたです。すみません。 ^^'

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A food you think is very good
_el _ci _u _

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Japanese Popular Expressions Food / Drink October 26, 2011
21 votes

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