Hangman Games by Member : Lucas

Short Description of Lucas
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United States
Description: Hello! I am 26 years old and currently live in the United States. I reside in the midwestern United States. I am looking for a native Italian speaker to practice my Italian beginner language skills. My native language is American English (not British English) because I am an American. I can help anyone at any level of English and any aspect of American culture. I have no preference in terms of gender or age; the person just has to be competent and interesting. I probably need someone who will be a penpal or chat conversation partner. I am interested in Italian lifestyle, culture, and language.

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Lucas's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
The US presidential bodyguards are part of the...
_e _ _e _   _e _ _i _e
English - Others - Work / Job March 7, 2012
0 votes
US President lives in the...
_ _i _e   _o _s _

2 related games: view
English Famous Names or Titles Places March 7, 2012
28 votes
First President of the United States is...
G _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _i _gt _n
English Famous Names or Titles History March 7, 2012
11 votes
US President Richard Nixon saying...
I   _ _   _ _t   _   c _oo _
English Famous Quotes History March 7, 2012
2 votes
T-shirts are made from...
c _ _t _ _
English - Others - Fashion March 7, 2012
4 votes

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