Hangman Games by Member : Akitsi T.

Short Description of Akitsi T.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Denmark
Description: I want to learn Japanese since I was a little child and decided now to learn about the culture and language of Japan. In exchanging for learning Japanese and about their culture, then I wil teach/explain danish/denmark! But I warning you, I'm not good with explain but I promise to do my best! My hobby is paint/drawing/make-jewelry/reading/internet and I listen to music daily! I'm pretty much open-minded to nearly everything and I don't judge people for their birth, upbringing and homo. I have great dislike for those who are racistic and people who are against homosexual. Contact me if you want me as a friend or just teach each other!

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When you greet someone (Hi), you say
H _ _
Danish Popular Expressions Coming and Going March 4, 2016
1 votes

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