Hangman Games by Member : Jade F.

Short Description of Jade F.
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Country: Brazil
Description: I want so much learn to speak in english, because it is one of my dreams. I would like to answer my phone and speak fluent English, someday i'll. I plan to do an exchange to Canada or England, but the money is still very little. Soo,if anyone can help me ... I will be gratefuuuul... Gosto muito da minha língua mãe, acho-a linda e muito rica! Então, se quiserem aprender português, eu posso ajudar! =] I'm a goldmember... So, call me if you want!

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Quando uma pessoa está com muita fome diz:
Es _ _ _   _o _ _e _ _o   _e   _ _me!

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Portuguese Proverbs People April 29, 2014
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