Hangman Games by Member : Didem

Short Description of Didem
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United Kingdom
Description: Hello. I'm a native speaker of Turkish who would like to practice French. I've been living in England so would possibly be helpful for anyone who wants to practice their English as well. I also listed Greek though I am at level 0 but still would love to try! I don't have a gold membership so I can't contact you but please do e-mail me if you've got one!

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Didem's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
a little
_ _ _ _ _
Turkish - Others - Amounts / Quantities October 1, 2004
10 votes
what's up(more familiar and more everyday life)
_ _ _ _ _
Turkish Popular Expressions Coming and Going October 1, 2004
8 votes

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