Hangman Games by Member : Fir

Short Description of Fir
Native Language(s):
Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Singapore
Description: I can speak english, malay and indonesian language fluently. I want to make more friends and at the same time practise my korean.My korean fluency is about TOPIK 1 grade 2 standard so I can basically read, write and understand korean at an intermediate level. I'm not a gold member, 카톡 frznhdrs 카톡으로 연락하세용~ :) 공부하자! Aku mahu belajar bhs gaul biar lancar gitu dan kita bisa practise english-indonesian bareng. Kirimkan emel ke frznhdrs(di)gm4i1(titik)com

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Sports for the rich
_ _ _f
- Other - - Others - Sports September 10, 2016
1 votes

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