Hangman Games by Member : betylafea enquor sofilia s.

Short Description of betylafea enquor sofilia s.
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: My name is PARIS from philippines but my father is half korean and my mother is a half filipina and half australian..i want to learn the language of german beacause i have a friend from that place and me and my mother decided to go to that place to see my friend.

Click here to view complete profile or to contact betylafea enquor sofilia s..

betylafea enquor sofilia s.'s newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
when you brake up with your boyfriend you are..
_r _ _e _   h _a _t _ _
Filipino (Tagalog) - Others - Emotions July 3, 2016
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