Hangman Games by Member : Caleb

Short Description of Caleb
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Country: Canada
Description: My name is Caleb and I am looking for someone that I can text or message in Italian. I speak and write fluent english, and I am free to help anyone with their learning of english. I plan for this to be used as a way for me to learn Italian and help ones with or teach them english. Mi chiamo Caleb. So molto bene l'inglese, e posso aiutare le persone imparano. Io non ne so molto italiana, e posso sbagliare. Ma, ho intenzione di usare questo per aiutare gli altri con italiani e per loro di aiutarmi

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Caleb's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
On the ball
_ _   _a _ _a
Italian Popular Expressions - Other - December 20, 2016
0 votes

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