Hangman Games by Member : Wendy

Short Description of Wendy
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
- Other -
Country: Netherlands
Description: Hi, I'm looking to improve my skills in German. I love Austria and Switzerland (and Germany also has some very nice places!) and I go on holiday there again soon. I can read and understand much of it (definately not all of it) but I find it hard to speak and to write in German. Also I think as someone living next to Germany, i should be able to speak the language ^^ I like music (I actually teach piano for a living and one day hope to write filmmusic). Also I like the outdoors, food, movies, baking cakes and such, gardening...

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This is what they say in Noord-Brabant when you say 'goodbye'
_ _ _ _ _ _!
Dutch Popular Expressions Coming and Going July 11, 2017
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