Hangman Games by Member : Vanessa

Short Description of Vanessa
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Country: United States
Description: I am one of those people that never stops learning. I just can't help myself. For a while I wanted to learn ASL but didn't have time as I was finishing my Chemistry PhD. Now that I am free again, I would like to learn ASL and keep improving my French. Of course I also really enjoy meeting new people and teaching Spanish (also maybe English) in the process. :) I am originally from Spain, I lived for 5 years in England and I live in the USA now. Looking forward to meeting you! For IGramers you can follow me at vanessgon Aficiones Running, cooking, netflix, science, languages, learning, youtube tutorials, knitting, crafts, dancing, beach, hiking, gardening,

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Cuando algo está diferente o alguien está excitado
_ _ _e _ _ _ _
Spanish - Others - Emotions June 1, 2020
2 votes

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