Hangman Games by Member : Sophie

Short Description of Sophie
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Australia
Description: Hi! My name is Sophie and I am currently learning French in school, but I would really love to learn more about France, its language and culture. A bit about myself? I am 16 and I enjoy baking, reading, writing, sewing and taekwondo among other things. At school, I really enjoy sciences and my French classes I have. Looking for a friend that can help me learn, and I will be happy to help anyone learn a bit of English as well. I don't have gold, but I will be happy to chat via normal email or some form of social media. Merci! (To those who have sent me a hi)

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Mmmm... sprinkles
_a _ _ _   _r _ _ _

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English - Others - Food / Drink January 30, 2021
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